Quote of the mellenium

"Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember its a sin to kill a mockingbird" (Pg99)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Journal 3

We were asked to write a paragraph about Mrs Dubose. When writing, while trying to remember Atticus' words about getting into someone's skin. and to try to understand Mrs Dubose, and why she behaves the way she does. so here goes....

Mrs Dubose is actually quite insperational in the book because she is battling an adiction with morphine. Although Jem can't see this he just thinks that she is a craby, old woman who just yelles out whats in her mind at people in the street. When Jem went berserk and destroyed her garden and had to read to her, he got a look into the struggle she was having making herself free of the adiction. He doesnt see the battle for as hard as it is, I think he just thinks she is having fits because she is old. Also he doesnt see her presant of one of the flowers of the plants he destroyed as the deep thanks and forgivnes Mrs Dubose ment it for. He thinks she is almost stalking him from beyond the grave but really she is forever greatfull for his help that allowed her to get over the addiction before she died. Jem would have been able to see this deeper meaning of the present if he had taken Atticus's advice of getting into someone elses skin and seeing thier point of veiw. Personaly I admire Mrs Dubose's determination and dedication to the goal she has set for herself to free herself of the addiction to morphine and I think it is saying if we put our minds to it any challenge is possible.

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